Noting our CARE

If you care enough for a result, you will most certainly attain it. ~William James

Walking through classrooms this week, I noticed something empowering the success of our teaching – students taking notes and documenting their learning.  It seems so simple of an action, yet it is so powerful.  We are a school district that relies on research-based instructional strategies that work, and we often turn to Marzano’s work to remind us of tools to add to our draw out of pedagogical toolbox.  I thought this time of year  — the start of the new semester — offered us a great opportunity to encourage and remind everyone to break out a few of these great instructional tools for greater gain in your own classroom.  Marzano lists “Nine Essential Instructional Strategies” that show documented gain when used in a classroom.  Try one of these in your lessons this week.  Also the use of Advance Organizers can be used very simply and effectively in almost every lesson and are especially helpful to add to your close reading and vocabulary studies when bringing your reading in line with your content learning.  If you were to Google “Marzano’s Instructional Strategies” or “Advance Organizers,” you will find not only content specific ideas to add to the link I’ve provided, but you will also find strong theoretical information behind why these strategies work and how to utilize them for the greatest instructional gain. 

Good job to all the teachers who I saw using these differentiated techniques in their classroom this week.  Thank you for holding our students accountable for what you share with them or ask them to discover.  From learning how to take notes, to reorganizing the materials you are learning on a graphic organizer, these activities solidify knowledge to be learned by our students.  It is effective and you will see a huge learning curve from the process.

Week 20:  A Look Ahead

During our walkthroughs, we will be looking for students utilizing strategies to retain their learning from your direct instruction and small group work.  Our admin goal for this week is to provide feedback to every teacher who is found utilizing a Marzano strategy or advance organizer. 

Monday-Friday:  Department chairs visit with me about scheduling and courses for the 2013-2014 school year.

Wednesday – Upward Bound Meeting during CAMP for students registered

Friday – Pep Assembly Schedule

~Excellence is journey not a destination.~

All images are available CC on Flickr:  “Taking Notes” by ocherdraco; “Tapping a Pencil” by Rennett Stowe.

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