The care of human life and happiness and not their destruction is the first and only legitimate object of good government. ~Thomas Jefferson
CARdinal Excellence is no joke. There is nothing April foolish about the fact that we are about to enter the EOC testing arena after preparing for this moment all year long. As the students begin their final preparations and reviews for testing in their Biology, Algebra 1, CA9 , CA10 and Government classes, it’s important for everyone to remember that each of you also had a part in their testing readiness with your work on text complexity and vocabulary study. Since we each contributed to their learning, we each will share in the reward of their increased performance. Take time this week and next to step up the practice before we start the testing. Help students understand how their strong performance will help them earn A+ funding, improve their grades, and make their school show strongly in state rankings. It goes a long way with your students that you support them in their achievement, and show them the importance of claiming their hard work with this summative assessment. Benton students are amazing. It would be foolish for anyone to think otherwise.
Week 30 – A Look Ahead
Tuesday — NHS Induction practice (student list will be emailed) 10:00-11:10 in Auditorium
Wednesday – BLT Meeting Canceled; NHS Induction @ 6:00 p.m. in Auditorium
Thursday – EOC training @ 2:45 for all staff giving EOC in Spring in Mail Room Conference Room
~Excellence is a journey not a destination.~
All images available in CC on Flickr: “Innerlife” by ecstaticist.