Professional Development Feedback: 11.19.2009
What a great PD afternoon we had Wednesday. As you all read through, analyzed, and discussed the MSIP 5 Advanced Questionnaire, it was a powerful to watch you tackle the tough truths presented in the data. The conversations in your groups were passionate, honest, and forthright. We appreciate your dedication to becoming a “learning organization” by questioning our current norms and being willing to address the uncomfortable but necessary climate of change.
Below are the issues we shared/summarized from each group (sorry about the time limits), and the subsequent “dot votes.” The staff has voted to work on issue #5. What we need to decide now is how to tackle it. Please respond here as soon as possible, and let us know how you would like to work on this issue. We need everyone’s participation to ensure all voices are heard. You don’t have to agree – remember that differing opinions are what help us grow and understand.
Voting on the Issues: 62 staff voting/3 dots each
Issue #1: We need consistent and clear rules and subsequent disciplinary action for students Accountability: Personal contact, clean up our own ranks, address problems not persons. Vote: 42 dots
Issue #2: We need a regular mechanism for feedback from students about what’s going on/how they feel. Accountability: Ask students. Publish results. Do it monthly. Vote: 26 dots
Issue #3: We need to increase accountability and expectation levels for students and staff Accountability: Bring in people to talk to students/staff, CAMP data and conferences, PowerSchool gradebook updates with expectations. Vote: 30 dots
Issue#4: We need to build student and staff esteem and awards system with mailings, comments, calls and involvement Accountability: Set # of items required per session, publicize awards/incentives, address more than just academics, market for involvement, increase opportunities. Vote: 26 dots
Issue#5: We have a safety issue we must do something about; we must remove “trouble” students that inhibit learning from classrooms Accountability: Determine what constitutes a “trouble student” and set plan for how to eliminate trouble students, have drugs, gangs, cell phone, classroom management professional development. Vote: 63 dots
PowerSchool/PowerTeacher/Gradebook Updates & Expectations:
Again – sorry about the rush with the PowerTeacher Grade book training. Just a reminder for what we are asking you to do with your grade book and class assignments before the end of the semester: (remember – these are expectations, NOT options)
- Enter the course description (should be like what you stated in your syllabus at the beginning of the semester). All similar courses should have similar course descriptions (We know this is a “duh,” but we figured we should probably make state it).
- Designate in your course description what your rule/guideline is for late work. Be clear and specific. At this time, let’s keep common courses the same – turn this information in to your department chair to discuss at the next LT meeting.
- Enter the description of your assignment. There is a HUGE difference between what you are expecting the students to DO and what you expect them to learn. The front part of the assignment can be the DO, the link should be what you expect students to LEARN. If you are confused or do not understand how or why to do this, please see your content principal. It’s pretty simple, and it won’t take you much time to get used to this BEST PRACTICE.
CAMP Requirements & Reminders
In order for you to begin your conferencing with your CAMPers, Jeanette will be emailing you (one at a time due to the size of each file) the Explore, PLAN and EOC data as well as information from ACT to explain what the benchmarks mean. Remember:
- DO NOT write on the STUDENT sheet – let the student do that. It is the ONLY step we have in place for now for the student to understand and own his or her own data. If asked by the NCA team or during a walkthrough, it’s imperative our students explain that they entered their own data and what it means.
- YOU must write the answers on the sheet for the student questions. This is important as it will slow down what the student says, make them cognizant of the IMPORTANCE of the conversation (if you are writing it, it must be important!), and be legible and understandable if the anyone else ever needs the information.
There is a ton of information included in this post. Make sure you refer to it as much as possible in order to complete everything. And remember what we said to each other in the meeting – we must hold ourselves and each other accountable to make a difference. It’s true – we must help each other to become the best we can be! The tide is turning. Our amazing and glorious Sheila Wilkinson, Counseling Center Secretary, just finished compiling our 2009 student follow-up data (months ahead of the other high schools, BTW) and we set a SCHOOL RECORD – of the 218 students counted in the class of 2009 – 70% of our students were enrolled in college!!! That is 20% more than our average. You all did this (and it hasn’t been easy), but the increase in higher and higher expectations of our students is paying off. Additionally, our ACT returns are coming back in at a higher composite this year than they did last year. They always do early, but it shows that your persistence is making a difference. Kelly Lock, Erin Nash, math department…all core departments – your work with our kids in this area HAS NOT GONE unnoticed (for those of you working on this beyond your curriculum). Thank you for all you do for our students every day (and especially before 7:30 and after 3:00). For you, we are thankful!
Photos found on Flickr: “Analyzing the Data” by by jproeber