#28daysofwriting – Day 1

Leadership and learning are my focus for the next 28 days.  I’m not sure where the reflection and learning will take me, but I know what will keep me grounded – this quote from Alfie Kohn..

Alfie Kohn quoteWriting for 28 minutes a day will be a challenge for me, so I have decided to start by scaffolding my time.  One minute each day reaching my goal of writing for 28 full minutes and pushing publish.  My dear friend and my writing hero – Kelly Lock – will be proud of me for tackling this task.  I remember a day long, long ago sharing with her that I would rather stick a pencil in my eye than “write for fun.”  And yet here I am.


And with a view of leadership – it makes me realize that my writing helps me think about my impact.  I appreciate the many leaders who really consider the sphere of influence made by what they think, and by what influences their thinking, and from where that influence emanates.   My minute is complete.  Tomorrow – two minutes on leadership influence.  I’m actually excited to share.

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