The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts; therefore, guard accordingly, and take care that you entertain no notions unsuitable to virtue and reasonable nature. ~Marcus Aurelius
It’s RED week! This is the month of the Red School and the week when we paint the town RED. It’s also the week of our bi-annual District Walkthrough. In order to ensure readiness, I have a quick checklist for everyone to help remind everyone of our best practices that we will be able to model this week:
- Leading students through a reading passage with scaffolded questioning – text complexity was our fall district PD.
- Sharing vocabulary words with your students both formally and intentionally (such as on your WORD WALL) or informally through conversations during reading (such as during Eyes Past Print).
- Using connections – make sure you connect important concepts with your students through multiple ways for them so they can make connections to the idea from a variety of ways. Building schema (their background knowledge) as well as using strategies such as metaphors and similes to explain a difficult concept always makes learning more enjoyable and understandable.
- Implementing data teams interventions – small groups, individual tracking with data, remediation, reflection – these are all hallmarks of the work of your data team.
Week 24 – A Look Ahead
Wednesday – Benton Leadership Team at 7:00 Room 106
Thursday – District Walkthrough 8:00 – 12:00 p.m.
Friday – 2 Hour Early for MEC Speech and Debate Tournament at Benton
Monday – No School (Holiday)
Tuesday – District Professional Development Day (No school for students only)
~Excellence is a journey not a destination.~
Images available in CC on Flickr: Paths by Pensiero; Me and Chuck in Central Park by Kevin H.