We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far. ~Swami Vivekananda
I find myself wondering sometimes what makes students WANT to do something. What’s the “carrot” that entices them? I think about what motivates a high school student. What makes them want to succeed? What makes them CARE? What makes them smile when they see us? I ponder about their relationships, activities, classes, teachers and grades. What really incentivizes a student to be the best he can be? What is it that makes a student feel good about herself?
I know that we always feel good when we invest in others. I also know I feel strong when I “get something right” after struggling with it. I know I always feel relieved when I get things done. As teachers, we have the opportunity day after day to break down our classroom agendas to give even the most difficult child a chance to think better of himself. We absolutely control the most variables in our classroom each hour. Do you create opportunities for “CARE Oughts” to the students who need them (the most)? A student rarely gets “off track” when a teacher really sees inside them and takes the time to find out what makes them tick (vs get ticked off). Try it this week. What CARE Ought can you use to make a difference with one of your students?
Week 8 – A Look Ahead
This week in our administrative walkthroughs for the next few weeks, we will look for and provide feedback on teacher behavior. What are you doing when we see you teaching? Where are in the classroom? How are you interacting with your students? This will be exciting feedback to share with you.
It’s HOMECOMING! And with that we have several students and teams headed to Sectionals! We play our Softball Sectionals on Wednesday afternoon, so I will move our Staff Meeting after school to JEPD during the day Wednesday. Thanks for understanding. Feel free to share in the festivities with the students…they LOVE IT when teachers share in their dress up days. It shows you CARE, and they notice! I want to give a shout out to StuCo for the great planning and preparation to make this week successful. Go #CardNation!
Monday – Josten’s SR Meeting during CAMP
Tuesday – Data Leadership Team (DLT) meeting at 0700
Wednesday – JEPD (schedule and locations will be emailed); LUNCH in the cafeteria – let’s show our support for our kids and Nutrition Staff and eat together!
Thursday – Fire Drill @ 1:15
Friday – Homecoming Assembly (50 minutes long, schedule will be emailed); Staff rally at FB game vs Cameron, Homecoming Royalty presentation before the game, Homecoming dance (9-11) – all FRESHMAN SPONSORS are required for supervision.
It’s going to be a great week! Go Cardinals!
~Excellence is a journey not a destination.~
Images are available by CC on Flickr: “Farmer’s market, Jul 2009-11” by Ed Yourdon; “Its Just Carbon” by Vermin Inc.